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Thursday, June 21, 2007
"The effect of pallet distance on torso kinematics and low back disorder risk" - Jorgensen M., Handa A., Veluswamy P., Bhatt M.
"Quantifying benefits of conversion to lean manufacturing with discrete event simulation: a case study" - Detty R., Yingling J.
"Application of value stream mapping for lean operations and cycle time reduction: an Indian case study" - Seth D., Gupta V.
"Physical demands analysis of occupational tasks in neighborhood pubs" - Jones T., Strickfaden M., Kumar S.
"Maximum isoinertial lifting capabilities for different lifting ranges and container dimensions" - Lee T.
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2005 Ergonomic Articles
Blog Archive
"The effect of pallet distance on torso kinematics...
"Quantifying benefits of conversion to lean manufa...
"Application of value stream mapping for lean oper...
"Physical demands analysis of occupational tasks i...
"Maximum isoinertial lifting capabilities for diff...
"Limiting Metabolic Rate (Thermal Work Limit) As A...
"The Effect of Work-Rest Schedules and the Type of...
"Do work technique and musculoskeletal symptoms di...
"A survey of tools and methods used by certified p...
"The comparisons of anthropometric characteristics...
"Office Ergonomics Education: A comparison of tra...
"Comparison of the Rapid Entire Body Assessment an...
"A critical review of biomechanical, epidemiologic...
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Humantech Ergonomics
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